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Showing posts from January, 2012

Khush Aamdeed 3G

It was mid night  and I was playing Dabbu( a local board game of Pakistan) at Landhi, Karachi with my childhood friend & collegue Umair Ali, who is IT & Satellite Officer of MTV Networks (Pakistan). It was my turn to play the shot when my mobile vibrates with a message from my cellular company offering me a MMS & Internet package. I read that message & mumbled the most popular word starting from F & ending on K; No!  its not FacebooK. Google Images Umair asked me "what happened?" and I told him about that not so attractive offer. "Many more to come" said Umair playing his shot. "Why?" I asked picking that striker back from board as he hasn't pocket any piece.  " Because  Gilani Jee! has approved the 3G policy for Pakistan ", he replied with taunted smile. "What's this 3G thing Mr. Satellite?" I ask while playing shot. "Its another generation of mobile communication", he replied wisely. "

French Doze: Adjectives-Agreement and Position(Lecture # 3)

 Adjectives    Ajectives in French vary in form to agree with the number and gender of the words they modify. The plural of adjectives is formed in the same way as the plural of nouns of similar ending.                     le petit garcon ,   the little boy                     les petit s garcons , the little boys                    le mauvais roi , the bad king                    les mauvai s rois , the bad kings  The feminine of adjectives is regularly formed by adding mute "e" to the masculine.             le grand jardin , the large garden              la grande ville, the large city             les grand s jardins, the large gardens             les grand es villes, the large cities When the same adjective modifies nouns of different gender it takes the musculine form.            The boy and girl are small. le garcon et la fille sont petits.            His son and his daughter are bad. Son fils et sa fille

From Gully to Indoor Cricket

     After the advent of T20 cricket,fans have switched their loyalty to shorter,action packed format of cricket and I believe that indoor cricket will also get popular with the passage of time. Indoor cricket is set to be introduced in Pakistan as "Gally Cricket" several tournament of this format has been be played in indoor cricket arena under lights. Google Images: Indoor Stadium Your rules, techniques and playing arena is what we expect from Gally Cricketbut for fairplay World Indoor Cricket Association has developed some rules. Google Images: Pitch of Indoor Cricket Indoor Cricket is played usually in a warehouse. The size of indoor cricket court is 30 meters x 10 meters with nets surrounding the court. The ground is concert with astro turf on top. The cricket pitch is the same length as normal cricket. We don't use a real cricket ball, we use a tennis ball with a cricket ball casing. Indoor cricket has the same basic rules as normal cricket