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Showing posts from August, 2012

Salute Le Femme

We received an invitation card of a relative's wedding ceremony.  My teenage cousin was reading and asked from my mother. "Aunty isn't this Salman Bhai's ( named changed for privacy ) second marriage?" "Yes! Dear" My mother replied while washing utensils. I was playing Sukodo on my mobile & was not interested in this conversation. Suddenly my cousin turns towards me & asked," Saddam Bhai! Answer a question of mine." Google I replied while pausing the game "Yes Sweety Ask!" She said, " Bhai! Islam is a very logical religion, Isn't it?" "Yes, Of course!", I replied while exiting the game as I have completed the level & was not interested in continuing next level. "Then What is the logic behind giving permission for four marriages to man?" I did not know a concrete answer but to like giving her reply, I answered, "Dear! Some medical researches has shown that men