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Showing posts from March, 2013

Drones are Good

I went to private university, who was offering a degree program in Unmanned Vehicle System, for my cousin's admission. There were not many candidates present at the University for this course. But those who were present were very interested and excited for the inauguration class. Google Images The administrator, probably thought that I am also one of the candidate and, asked me to join the class. I snapped at the chance and went along with other candidates to attend the class. "Let me show you a show-reel first, so you all can understand for what we have gathered here", says the speaker dressed in neutral toned suit. The documentary started with a " Shaheen " who was flying high in sky and searching for the food. All of sudden she dive down high from the sky and strike prey with his talons. Then a transition occurred and sort of same movement was repeated by a Drone. It flee, it preyed and went away. It recalls me some of the movies and news report sh