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Showing posts from July, 2023

My Summer Reads

The current economic turmoil, political instability, judicial uncertainty, and military repositioning has influenced my bookshelf of the summer too much. My summer reading list compromises money management books.   1. The Psychology of Money: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. It is one of the finest books on understanding money and its management or we can say the relationship between Money and Human Behavior. The premise of the book is that we think of earning money as rational and logical but we spend money based on emotions and psychology. It consists of independent chapters on money, saving, investment, and spending. It can be read interdependently if you need recommendations on some specific targets.   2. Intelligent Investor: Intelligent Investor is written by Benjamin Graham. First published in 1949 and revised in 1972. It is a comprehensive and classic guide to investing but if you are interested in understanding classic strategies on the share market or mon