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Fix not the blame but Problem

Almighty Allah has said The Holy Quran:

Who taught writing by the pen. (96:4)  

 One of the possible explanation is "He has taught or provide knowledge by pen" ( Here pen is taken as an apparatus for writing and recording. In this hi tech era keyboard, video camera and other tools used for writing and recording can also be included technically).

To gain knowledge we need a book and/or a teacher. We should remember that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was sent as blessing & teacher for whole mankind not just for Muslims.

 “And We did not send you (Muhammad) except as a Mercy to the worlds” (21:107)

Youm-e-Ishq-Rasool (Love of Prophet day)as an opportunity

The day Youm-e-Ishq-Rasool (Love of Prophet day) in Pakistan, provided us an opportunity to register our protest for anti-Islam, anti-Prophet film  and explain who actually Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is to the rest of the world, especially Non-Muslim individuals/countries. This protest was just not a protest of a group of believers but the whole mankind.

The whole world was officially ready to witness the day. Our minorities were with us. Their representatives in parliament were attending the seminars and conferences nation wide. We had ( may be have) a chance to let them know what Islam is ? What a man of immortal honor Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) is! The local minorities were on roads with us in the protests. We through our unity, faith & discipline could have burn the light of Islam in their hearts.

The Holy Quran has stated for Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him):

"And We have exalted for you your remembrance." (94:4)

"Undoubtedly, one who is your enemy, he is cut off from every good." (108:3)

The aforementioned references clearly stated that Prophet Muhammad's(Peace be Upon Him) remembrance and respect can not diminish or decline. Cartoons, Book & Films for blasphemy are piece of crap. These things are not threat for our religion but opportunity. An opportunity to convert people to Islam, to bring Muslims close to their religion.

Use of Mass Media

The enemies of Islam used mass media to communicate their illogical, unreal and stupid blames. We could have used the same to cut them off from every good. Whole national and international media was covering the happenings of the day. We could have( may be can) used the same media to communicate the real message of Islam. Instead of lightening their countries flags we could have lighten right path in their chest. Yelling "Go down (You)" could have been replaced with "Come with us, See real face of Islam". We could have conquered their heart instead of their embassies.

Hatred is an Individual Act

Hatred and Violence has always been an individual act. It never represent an act of community or nation( unless they claim it). If we assume  as a  community act which community should be punished or cursed in case of  Cursed Salman Rushdie. Every era witnesses Abu Jahl (Father of Ignorance) who can be killed by sword but can only be defeated by knowledge. Islam has defeated those who are against by wisdom and knowledge.

Violent Protest

 An act should be repeated when it gives the desired result. Experience has shown that these violent protest has never given the desired result. We have been doing these protest cum violent protest since decades but nothing has changed. Blasphemy act is being repeated in form or another. We need to find out the solution. 

Role of OIC& UNO

Organization of Islamic Co-Operation (OIC) can play a vital role by calling an urgent meeting of all member states & develops an strategy to put a moral, ethical & possibly legal pressure to United Nations. United Nation can develop a Convention like they had made for racism. But it has been been observed that international laws are kind of soft laws that imposes more ethical pressure than criminal laws on the countries, especially First World Countries.

Legalislation and 96:4

Legally, an individual body( United Nations) or individual of a country (e.g. Pakistan) can not participate in legislation of another country (e.g United States of America). In order to create an blasphemy law there natives of that country needs to participate. The recent protest against shameful film has provided us an opportunity to make them understand our view point, like the Jews did for The Holocaust. We can communicate the message with peace, wisdom and intellectual knowledge only. And that reminds me (96:4).


  • If you find any error in translations or references of Quranic verses. Kindly contact me.
  • This blog is neither Fatwa nor valid for court.
  • This blog is for infotainment purpose & my passion to share. No direct financial assistance is sought from this blog. I am sharing my experiences and learning. Your contribution will be highly appreciated.



  1. Good one, the best solution is to follow the way of our own Prophet (Peace be upon him) how he used to treat and answered his enemies whenever they blamed, cursed or tried to prove him wrong.


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