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Changing Frequencies: Capacity Building Training on Radio Content Production

I reached late to Beach Luxury on 20 Jan, 2025 due to traffic jam on the main artery of Karachi Shahrah-e-Faisal. A pick-up truck broke down at Drigh Road, resulting into miles long traffic jam on in morning rush hour. Missing the welcome note by Najia Asher, I joined the training from Session 1: Trends in Radio Content Production.  Hands-on Experience in Podcast Production This session focused on the technical part of production, where Mr. Attique displayed and demonstrated mics, cameras, and mobile phones which can be used for making a podcast. A handson group activity was performed by participant to produce podcasts in natural light setting and studio light setting. The expert recommended that Google Pixel can be the best mobile phone which can be used for MoJo (Mobile Journalism).  The Business of Radio: Thinking Like an Entrepreneur One key take away from this workshop was to think like an entrepreneur radio professional, instead of a salaried radio professional. Mr. Fais...
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My Summer Reads

The current economic turmoil, political instability, judicial uncertainty, and military repositioning has influenced my bookshelf of the summer too much. My summer reading list compromises money management books.   1. The Psychology of Money: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. It is one of the finest books on understanding money and its management or we can say the relationship between Money and Human Behavior. The premise of the book is that we think of earning money as rational and logical but we spend money based on emotions and psychology. It consists of independent chapters on money, saving, investment, and spending. It can be read interdependently if you need recommendations on some specific targets.   2. Intelligent Investor: Intelligent Investor is written by Benjamin Graham. First published in 1949 and revised in 1972. It is a comprehensive and classic guide to investing but if you are interested in understanding classic strategies on the share mark...

Namaz Kit for Workplace | نماز پاوچ

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Wheel of Fragrance

Its Summer time, perfume is an essential EDC but don’t judge the book by its cover. You don’t wear the bottle of perfume or the fancy packaging. What you wear is, The Fragrance. In a brief survey, I found that while buying fragrances most consumers’ decision is based on very crude/basic rationale e.g. long-lasting, discount, affiliation with loved-ones, religious beliefs, word of mouth, ads etc. They are almost unaware of sense the Notes and Ingredients that form a fragrance. Michael Edwards, creator of The Fragrance Wheel, has made fragrance selection an exciting journey instead of difficult chore. It holds the key to your fragrance likes and dislikes. It have four clusters and every cluster has relationship between the 14 different families. Floral Notes: You smell like a bouquet of Rose, Jasmine and/or other flower/s you are wearing a scent from  Floral Family . Soft Floral Family’s  fragrances contains nostalgic scents that are soft, powdery, sweet, and creamy. Amber, Oran...

ایڈونچر کی تیاری کے ۱۲ رہنما اصول

  اگر آپ  سیر و تفریح کی غرض سے دشت و بیاباں میں مہم جوئی یا ایڈونچر کرنے کی تیاری کر رہے ہیں تو یہ تحریر پڑھنا مددگار ثابت ہوسکتا ہے.    1930کی دہائی میں امریکی کوہ پیماؤں نے مہم جوئی کے لیے لازمی دس اشیاء کا ذکر کیا تھا.  جسے Ten essentials of Hiking کہا جاتا ہے. اس ایڈونچر نمبر میں، میں نے Ten essentials of Hiking اور مہم جوئی  کے  ذاتی تجربات کو مدِ نظر رکھتے ہوئے ۱۲ نظاموں کی فہرست تشکیل دی ہے. جن سے  پاکستان  کے کوہ و دمن  میں مہم جوئی کرنے کی تیاری کے سلسلے میں رہنمائی حاصل کی جا سکتی ہے.     یہ  نظام آگ، پانی، کھانے، پناه گاه، مرمت، موسمی لباس، روشنی، سورج کی شعاعوں سے حفاظت، سمت شناسی، ابتدائی طبی امداد، مواصلات، اور لین دین کی ضروریات کو پورا کرتے ہیں. آئیے ان نظاموں کا تفصیلی جائزہ لیتے ہیں۔ 1.    آگ جلانے کا نظام: کسی بھی ایڈونچر پر جاتے وقت آگ جلانے کے آلات: لائٹر ، ماچس یا میگنیزیم فائر سٹاٹرکٹ لازمی رکھنی چاہئیے۔ اس کے علاوہ ایک ڈبیا میں کچھ روئی جو پٹرولیم جیلی یا تیل میں ڈوبی...

Hingol - The Wonderland of Pakistan

From the vault: Wild Wanderers 2nd Meet-up (November 2020) Adjacent to Makran Coastal Highway – Baluchistan, Hingol National Park is the wonderland of Pakistan. It’s one of the most sacred place for Hindus pilgrims. According to Maharaja of the temple, the only Temple of Hanglaj Devi in the world is located in Hingol. This temple is locally known as (Nani Mata ka mandir). The scenery of oasis, natural fountains (Amrat ghara), hilltops, and caves around the temple adds beauty to its serenity. Main Gate of Hanglaj Devi Temple (Photography inside Mandir not allowed) Crater of Chandragup Mud Volcano What is just a mud volcano to many people, in many volcanoes of Hingol, is a fundamental stopover in their pilgrimage (Yatra). Pilgrims pray and ask (mannat) at Chandragupta, make mud statues of their Lord Shiva from the volcanic mud. Inspired by their pottery, I also made few items from the volcanic mud for my collection. Myself at Golden Beach Few miles away is the refreshing beaches of...

What I read in September and much more…

In September, I was on my annual vacations, spent a fortnight trekking in the jungles of Chakwal, and desserts of Cholistan. Yes I took a book with me… so my travelling buddy was: Sapiens - A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari : In September when my journey started and evolved as I went through the chapters of this book in train. It can be a tiring or difficult read, especially it contradicts and shatters many beliefs of this modern world. But, I suggest you to detach yourselves from emotions and biases, and read from logical and neutral perspective. It is a mind boggling roller coaster ride that passes through the stations of cognitive revolution and agricultural revolution and stops on the junction to unify humankind to take them on the journey of scientific revolution BUT will it take us to promised land where we can live happily ever after or are we heading towards an Armageddon? Read it to find out. When I came back to my home, I read about the person who cre...